Performance Feeders Vibratory Bowl Feeders

Vibratory bowl feeders are the most versatile small parts orienting feeder on the market today. Built with standard components and custom-tooled to meet the needs of your application, our vibratory feeders are able to feed many different types of parts and can meet complex orientation requirements. Our vibratory feeders are available in traditional straight-wall design with outside tooling, or inside-tooled cascade or conical styles to provide even more parts feeding versatility. They are offered as simple standalone feeders, complete turnkey part feeding systems, or anything in between.


  • Welded stainless steel construction
  • Multiple finish & coating options to enhance feeding, minimize part wear, and meet edical and FDA specifications
  • Sorting features available to eliminate bad parts from your production line
  • Vision systems available to sort or orient parts based on color or internal features